The topmost folder in the Image Explorer is called My Albums. My Albums is a convenient collection of shortcuts to albums (image folders) elsewhere on your system. The actual images still reside in their original locations, and they are not affected when you add or remove the shortcut folders from My Albums. You can create new folders and sub-folders under My Albums to create a virtual organization of the images on your system.
To differentiate My Albums from the other folders
on your system, they are colored purple:.
How to Add an Album to My Albums:
1. Right-click on a folder.
2. Select Add Location to My Albums’.
Adding a folder to My Albums
How to Create a New Folder in My Albums:
To create a new folder, right-click on My Albums and select Create New Folder. Enter a name for your new folder and click OK. Now you can drag existing albums into the folder to group them together. To create a sub folder, simply right-click on a folder and choose Create New Sub folder. These new folders are themselves not albums (they don’t contain images directly); they are virtual containers for organizing your albums.
Folders and Sub-folders in My Albums